Reepham & Wensum Valley Team Churches - at the Heart of the Community

A New Year Message from Rev’d Helen – January 2021

I think I am writing this article on the coldest day of 2020. The temperature hasn’t risen above freezing and we saw the sun for the briefest of times. By the time you read this, 2021 will be here and boy do we need a New Year collectively! Yes, the whole world needs a reboot, a fresh start, new ways of living that bears in mind everyone. For some this year is going to be more tough because of job losses, recession, Brexit and so much more. So where do we gain our hope from this New Year?

I have great hope because I saw something awesome in 2020 which was the care and attention and kindness that flowed out from most people. I also saw some people who really tried to get as much for themselves from the system which wasn’t so good and kind. Yet that kindness and good was much more than not. It was in most people. We celebrated the small things more, we noticed the great beauty in our nature and world.

Kindness and good come from the source of whom we have been created by. To be people who look out for each other and care. Jesus said “Do to others as you would have them do to you” or as some people say ‘Do as you would be done by’. Many people live this way. Most people say I am not religious and yet live great lives of kindness. It’s in our DNA. We are doing it because we are a community.
There is an opportunity to reflect and debate more of the sayings of Jesus through the Alpha Course starting on 13th January on zoom registration via to Annie Dack. I would like to think that following Jesus is  more about being kind and good…how we behave in the world, how we care for the world, how we show appreciation to each other rather than knowing stuff and not acting on it. It is far more about our spirit and living with a sense of real compassion.
Please let us know if 2021 is a real struggle we have access to community funds that may go a little way to helping.
God bless
Rev’d Helen





Image by John Hain from