Reepham & Wensum Valley Team Churches - at the Heart of the Community

Eco Church, RSPB Big Garden Birdwatch

Eco Church 

On the last weekend in January it is the RSPB Big Garden Birdwatch, when we spend one hour watching and recording the birds that come into our gardens. We record the maximum number of each species at one time but do not include any that fly over. So put out some bird food and see which species come. The results change over time. When we first took part, Starlings were the most numerous in our garden but now we only see them in spring, when they are nesting and come to collect food for their growing young. Other birds have become scarce as well: Greenfinch numbers crashed some years  and we hardly ever see a Song Thrush in the garden, although we do hear them singing distantly early in the year. By taking part and sending your results to the RSPB, you will be helping that organisation monitor the populations of our garden birds. This is important, especially with bird flu taking its toll on our avian friends. Please let me know if you do take part as this will give us points in our quest for Eco Church Gold.

Please do not believe all you read if you have received a leaflet about the proposed solar farm. The land is mostly grade 3a, with a little grade 2 and grade 3, so not best agricultural soils; the risk of fire is minimal as batteries are now water cooled: there will be no use of weed killers as sheep will control the vegetation so no toxic run off affecting Whitwell Common: new ponds will be incorporated into the area and wild flower mixes sown around the edges, which, with new dense hedges will increase biodiversity of the area; there will be no night time flood lighting unless urgent maintenance work is being done and the solar panels will have an anti-glare coating. For the sake of our planet and young people, we must say yes to this project.


Sunday 12th January We are joining the Methodist congregation at the Chapel for their annual Covenant Service at 10.30 am

Sunday 19th January & 2nd February Café Church is our more informal service starting at 10.30am in St Michael’s. There will be tea, coffee, juice, croissants and muffins, as well as papers to read from 10 o’clock.