Teamwork Makes the Dream Work! – A letter from Rev’d Helen (October 2020)
As a child I looked at this date and thought it was miles and miles away, it was so future that in one way I never thought I would reach it. I think the only possible way that I manage to get to this date is because of the team I have had around me. First my family team, then my church family team, then my friends team, then my work colleagues team, then my partner and new family team, then new work colleagues team and so on. It’s always been about team.
We need people rooting for us, we need people on the side-line encouraging us sometimes challenging us, and above all loving us. I loved having a season ticket at Tottenham cheering, singing and shouting for the team. It was a real family of supporters in the same seats each week; That atmosphere mostly joy and sometimes real disappointment. I am sure you know those feelings.
We have a team of colleagues which is expanding with Revd Judith as honorary Assistant Priest and Helena Crockford as Lay Reader (preaching, leading services and giving pastoral support) both come with a wealth of experience from ministry and psychology. We are delighted to share their talents and experience across our team.
We are blessed to have other wise colleagues in Richard Cooke authorised worship assistant, Rev’d Tim who has Permission to Officiate and Rev’d Canon Peter Halls who also has Permission to Officiate (PTO) as well as Sue Page who is a PTO Lay Reader.
Having a team is a real blessing with have many other important team members who support our work not least our Benefice Administrator Annie Dack and all our church wardens across 12 churches plus PCC members and congregation members and then wider support from local communities.
Thank you all we could not do this without you.
May you continue to bless and be blessed
Revd Helen