Test and Trace QR Posters in our Churches
New QR Posters at our Churches and Church Halls
As you visit our churches over the coming days you may notice these “QR Code” posters appearing in porches and on signing in tables.
They help form part of the Government’s Test and Trace system which hopes to limit the spread of Covid-19. To be able to be part of the scheme you will need a smartphone (with a working camera and Bluetooth capabilities) and the NHS Covid-19 App which can be downloaded for free from the App Store (Apple) or Google Play (Android).
If you have the app, simply scan the QR code using the “Venue check-in” button and holding the phone’s camera up to the code. It is hoped that this tracking of individuals will enable swifter notification of those who may have come into contact with someone who later displays symptoms or tests positive for Covid-19.
This measure is in addition to those we already have in place, such as social distancing, hand sanitising, face coverings and signing in sheets.
But what if you don’t have a smartphone or don’t want to download the app?
Official guidance says:
The NHS Test and Trace app only works on smartphones that are compatible with the Exposure Notification framework developed by Apple and Google.
Even if you do not have a compatible smartphone yourself, you will still benefit from other people downloading the app. This is because even low level use of the app will help us understand more about how the virus spreads and will support the wider NHS Test and Trace programme, which has been designed to fight the virus. The app works in addition to the regular contact tracing that is already taking place throughout the UK.
You are always welcome in our churches, app or no app!
If you have any queries, please contact Annabel.