Reepham & Wensum Valley Team Churches - at the Heart of the Community

Plastic Pollution

Eco Church

Plastic pollution is a major problem in our waterways and seas. Now we can all help to combat this through the Aldi Blister Pack Envelope Recycling Programme. By registering online you will be sent prepaid shipping labels such that you will be able to send up to 30 empty medicine blister packs to Terracycle for recycling per month. If anyone would like to be involved but does not have internet access, perhaps we can arrange a buddy scheme, so that someone who has internet access but doesn’t have blister pack medication could register for someone who does. Please let me know if you need someone to register for you. The link to register is color:#333333″>If you can’t get it to work from this, let me know and I will send you it by a separate email. Thank you to Michelle for spotting this scheme.color:#333333;display:none;mso-hide:all”>

David Attenborough’s Planet Earth III has spectacular footage of some of the world’s most endangered wildlife, but it also challenges us to consider lifestyle changes we could make to help in this climate and biodiversity emergency. Doing nothing, because a small change in the way we behave seems a drop in the ocean, should not be an option: oceans are made up of many drops. We all need to do our part.


Sunday 12th November Service of Remembrance in St Mary’s at 10.30am

Sunday 19th November Café Church is our more informal service starting at 10.30am in St Michael’s. There will be tea, coffee, juice, croissants and muffins, as well as papers to read from 10 o’clock. Everyone is welcome.

Saturday 25th November: Dr Jane McLarty will lead us through an Afternoon with Mark’s gospel, from 2 – 5pm in St Michael’s with a break for refreshments and questions. All welcome. Please let Jane know if you are coming. (

PCC minutes are now pinned up on the inside noticeboard near the church rotas. Do look and see what is going on.