Reepham & Wensum Valley Team Churches - at the Heart of the Community

In Memory Service

In Memory Service, St. Mary’s Church October 2016

Nearly 100 people gathered on the afternoon of Sunday 30th October for the annual ‘In Memory’ Service.

Favourite hymns were sung, prayers of thankfulness and loss were expressed, and the Rector’s sermon spoke about new life and change in both beautiful trees… and in our lives!

The names of those who have died in the past three years, and others who are remembered, were read. Relatives and friends came forward to remember with gratitude and love those who have died. For each special person a candle was lit and place alight with others at the front of the Church.

At the end of the service, as people left the church to gather for tea and cake in St, Michael’s, in the peace of St. Mary’s the candles continued to burn.  It was a beautiful symbol of those we no longer see, but whose memory is alive, treasured and honoured.

In Memory Candles