Reepham & Wensum Valley Team Churches - at the Heart of the Community


Lyng, with a population of around 800 people is situated on the River Wensum in a wide valley and St Margaret’s church can be found in the centre of the village. In medieval times, Lyng had two places of worship – St Edmunds chapel, now in ruins, beside the road to Lyng Easthaugh and St Margaret’s (which was once St Clements) which is in use today and where services are regularly held.

As you enter the church you face a large painting by Irene Ogden depicting the risen Christ in the centre of the village.  In the Chancel, in a glazed case on the South Wall, can be found the Lyng Pall or Altar Cloth. It is about six hundred years old and embroidered with marvellous and mysterious representations from the Old Testament. A few years ago it made the journey to the V&A Museum for a more detailed examination.

There are five bells which are regularly rung and make a fine sound. If you visit our church you will find two pamphlets one is a guided tour of the church, the other a detailed description of the Pall.

Should you require refreshments after your visit, The Fox pub is next door or the café in the village shop just up the road.

Rev’d Helen is a  Governor of Lyng Church of England Primary Academy. In 2019, Lyng also started monthly Wild Messy Church sessions at the newly built village hall. Wild Messy Church is free and open to all children and their families. They meet on the last Friday of the month to share food, crafts and activities.


Help us serve our local community.

If you would like to make a one off or monthly donation to support our church building and our Church community, please visit the Diocese website here. Every donation helps us to maintain these beautiful buildings as well as supporting the work we do in parishes.

Activities, Services & Events

There are no upcoming events at this time.

Church Buildings

Our church buildings in the Reepham and Wensum Valley Benefice are as individual as those who have worshipped in them for hundreds of years. They each hold many interesting social and historical artefacts as well as providing spaces for peace, worship and celebration for the communities they serve today. Below are links to The Norfolk Churches website which will provide you with a taster of what you may find when you visit us. 

Click here for Simon Knott’s report on St Margaret’s, Lyng on the Norfolk Churches website.

Chris Richmond is undertaking an amazing project “Church Bells of Norfolk” to capture the sounds of all the ringable bells in Norfolk’s fine historic churches. Chris has been visiting towers across the county since 2018 to record each bell in each tower. These sounds have then been uploaded to his archive and their sound preserved for future generations.  His online archive and more about the project can be found here

The bells of St Margaret’s, Lyng can be heard here

Help keep our churches open – donate here


Church Warden:       Carol Brigham        01603 872275  

PCC Secretary:          Elaine Jones            01603 638180 

PCC Treasurer:         Edwin Pearson

Safeguarding Officer:  Joy Kidell                                                    Joy

Helena Riches