Reepham & Wensum Valley Team Churches - at the Heart of the Community


Salle is a small parish with a population of 50. Although the population may be small the church of St Peter and St Paul is anything but! Standing resplendent amongst fields, the 15th century church has many historical links with various families of the time including the Boleyns, the Briggs, the Kerdistons, the Morleys, the Mautebys and the Luces. It was the wealth of these families in the parish which allowed such a large church to be built and many reminders of their association with the church and parish are still found within the church.

As well as many interesting historical and architectural treasures, the church also has a magnificent acoustic. St Peter and St Paul”s has hosted many concerts and recordings and continues to have a varied programme of events throughout the year.

Help us serve our local community.

If you would like to make a one off or monthly donation to support our church building and our Church community, please visit the Diocese website here. Every donation helps us to maintain these beautiful buildings as well as supporting the work we do in parishes.

St Peter and St Paul’s, Salle is open daily from 9am until 5pm during British Summer Time and from 9am to dusk during winter months.

Activities, Services & Events

There are no upcoming events at this time.

Church Buildings

Our church buildings in the Reepham and Wensum Valley Benefice are as individual as those who have worshipped in them for hundreds of years. They each hold many interesting social and historical artefacts as well as providing spaces for peace, worship and celebration for the communities they serve today.

The church of St Peter and St Paul, Salle is no exception. Please click here for a Brief Guide to Salle detailing the treasures that can be found on a visit.


We are delighted to read of Marie Clausén’s article for the online journal Religions: “‘But the Fountain Sprang Up and the Bird Sang Down’: Heidigger’s Gathering of the Fourfold and the Seven-Sacrements Font in Salle, Norfolk” . Marie has shared a copy with us and a printed copy will be available in St Peter and St Paul’s Church, Salle.

Further information can be found on the Norfolk Churches website for St Peter and St Paul’s here

Chris Richmond is undertaking an amazing project “Church Bells of Norfolk” to capture the sounds of all the ringable bells in Norfolk’s fine historic churches. Chris has been visiting towers across the county since 2018 to record each bell in each tower. These sounds have then been uploaded to his archive and their sound preserved for future generations.  His online archive and more about the project can be found here

The bells of St Peter and St Paul’s, Salle can be heard here

Help keep our churches open – donate here


Church Warden:             Jolyon Booth               01603 871181

Church Warden:             Roger Fry                     01603 554624

PCC Secretary:                  Roger Fry                     01603 554624

PCC Treasurer:                 Jolyon Booth               01603 871181

Safeguarding Officer:    Ruth Fry                        01603 554624