Celebrating the 650th Anniversary of Lady Julian’s “Revelations of Divine Love”
To celebrate the publication in 1373 of “Revelations of Divine Love” there will be series of events in Norwich and across the benefice.
“Revelations of Divine Love” is thought to be the oldest surviving book to be published in English by a female author. Lady Julian of Norwich, wrote the text following a series of 16 visions that she experienced whilst ill, thought to be dying. The Short Text was written soon after her recovery and the Long Text was written 20 years later and greatly expands on her thoughts and meditations. The texts have become highly significant, not only due to their historical interest but also because of their spiritual content.
Across Norwich and the Benefice we will be holding events with Denise Triessman to celebrate Lady Julian of Norwich and her literary legacy. Do come and join us, please see below for how to book each event.