Reepham & Wensum Valley Team Churches - at the Heart of the Community

Stories and Crafts with Rev’d Helen (and Special Guests): The Road to Emmaus

Join Rev’d Helen, Rev’d Keith and a special guest as we find out what happened on the road to Emmaus and then make delicious Rocky Road to Emmaus cakes!

To cook-a-long with Rev’d Helen and Rev’d Keith you will need:  100g raisins, 200g digestive biscuits, 2-3tbsps of golden syrup, 135g butter, 200g chocolate, 100g mini marshmallows.

We love seeing all your messy makes and bakes, so please do send us any pictures of your fabulous makes which we will feature on our website and Facebook. Photos can be sent to , please include the permission of your grown up to share the picture!

Bon appetit!