Reepham & Wensum Valley Team Churches - at the Heart of the Community

Words of Light and Hope from Fran Neale AWA

Words of Light and Hope – Easter 7         Fran Neale AWA

Here are some words of Mother Julian of Norwich. Ideally her words should be read in their context, but I think each of these thoughts does stand in its own right.

“He did not say, ‘You shall not be tempest-tossed, you shall not be work-weary, you shall not be discomforted.’ But he said, ‘You shall not be overcome.’ God wants us to heed these words so that we shall always be strong in trust, both in sorrow and in joy.”

“He says, Do not blame yourself too much, thinking that your trouble and distress is all your fault. For it is not my will that you should be unduly sad and despondent.”

“Our enemy tries to depress us by false fears which he proposes. His intention is to make us so weary and dejected, that we let the blessed sight of our everlasting friend slip from our minds.”

” The greatest worship we can give him is, in penitence, to live gladly and gaily because of his love.”