Words of Light and Hope from Sue Page LLM
Words of Light and Hope Sunday January19th 2025 Sue Page LLM Diocesan Vision Prayer
Transform us, O Christ, to be more prayerful – listening, open and responsive, yearning for God’s kingdom come as you taught us; to be more pastoral – reaching out to those in need, shepherds, like you, of the lost and the lonely; to be more prophetic – heeding the signs of the times, challenging injustice, mirroring your radical inclusivity. Amen
Living in the Promise Perhaps the greatest danger that threatens us comes from being overly involved in the small, ordinary happenings of daily life – from becoming so enslaved by them that they fill our heart and soul. To go about life in this way is to go about unprotected, unaware, distracted, and removed from reality. Let us never allow ourselves to be dragged down by pettiness, or take the things of this earth so seriously that they burden us day after day. Let us live constantly in the Promise. God does not want us to be swallowed up in what is transitory, but calls us to what is eternal. Christoph Friedrich Blumhardt
For Christians who fear they are Drowning in the world’s business The worst thing they can do is panic. There can be no question of escape From the situation: We are many miles from land And there is no help near. The one thing we can do is to withdraw, as it were, Into ourselves. To find Christ within, Who is as powerful To still the inner tempest As He was to subdue the waves On the Lake of Galilee. St. Augustine
Thought for the week When we pray, we remember that our choosing to love others is the answer to Christ’s most fervent prayer ‘Father, may they be One… even as You and I are One The Entire Bible Goes out of its way To lift up The orphan, the Widow, The foreigner, the poor, The prisoner, the grieving, And the sick. God loves the ‘Inconvenient’ Jesus is with them ;And I’m with Him. I want to be where He is. BRF