All the latest news from our parishes…
Prayer for the Nation – Every Evening at 6pm in November
Throughout the month of November, Christians will be encouraged to pray daily for a specific area of national concern, wherever they are, culminating in…
In Memory Service: Remembering our loved ones
Each year on All Souls we would normally meet in St Mary's Reepham to remember our loved ones who have died that year and…
Meet our new Honorary Associate Priest, Judith!
Hello everyone! I thought it might help if I took this chance to introduce myself, having been licensed to the Reepham and Wensum Valley…
Teamwork Makes the Dream Work! – A letter from Rev’d Helen (October 2020)
As a child I looked at this date and thought it was miles and miles away, it was so future that in one way…
Test and Trace QR Posters in our Churches
New QR Posters at our Churches and Church Halls As you visit our churches over the coming days you may notice these "QR…
A letter from Rev’d Helen for September 2020
As I write I am really aware of world sadnesses like Beirut, Yemen (very unreported), Muslims in detention in China (also under reported), flooding…
Face Coverings in Church – An Update (07.08.20)
As you may be aware, the guidance regarding wearing a face covering has been updated in line with government legislation. It is now a…
Reflection on Romans 8:26-39 by Helena Crockford (26.07.20)
+ May I speak in the name of Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Amen Here we are once again – our third time back…
Face Coverings and Masks in Church (from the Enewsletter 26.07.20)
Guidance has been released from the House of Bishops Recovery Group relating to the wearing of face coverings or masks in places of worship. The…
Jesus: His status – our status.
At Café Church on 5th July we talked about Jesus, his 'status' and how we see status today. Below is an except taken…
A Love Letter from Rev’d Helen (July 2020)
First weddings as we reopen our churches! It was such a joy to be at a wedding this week. There is something so special…
Charitable Giving – How you can help our churches to serve our communities
Having had to close our church buildings for over three months during lockdown, many of our churches and communities have lost out on…
Reepham Methodist Church opening for Prayer and Sunday Services
We have received news from our friends at Reepham Methodist Church that they will be reopening their doors from Sunday 5th July. Services start…
Parish Share Update
Rural Dean, Rev'd Keith Rengert, shared his letter updating us about Parish Share contributions and the financial position the Diocese finds itself in after…
Reopening Our Churches: Notes from the meeting on 18.06.20
Thank you to everyone who attended our Open Benefice Zoom Meeting on Thursday 18th June. It was lovely to see so many of you…
Reopening our Churches – St Mary’s, Reepham
Following advice and guidance from the government we are delighted to be reopening the first church in our benefice. St Mary's, Reepham will be…
Warning: Track and Trace Telephone Scam
We have been notified by the Diocesan Safeguarding Team about a very plausible and concerning telephone track & trace scam which was reported last…
Norfolk Churches Trust Sponsored Bike Ride 2020
Pump up your tyres, dust off your walking boots, pack a picnic and plan a route from your own door to visit as many…
Day 4 – Rev’d Helen’s Prayer Walk from Norwich to Walsingham
Rev'd Helen is raising money for our 12 churches. To make a donation you can send a cheque made payable to Reeham & Wensum…
Day 3 – Rev’d Helen’s Prayer Walk from Norwich to Walsingham
Rev'd Helen is raising money for our 12 churches. To make a donation you can send a cheque made payable to Reeham & Wensum…
Day 2 – Rev’d Helen’s Prayer Walk from Norwich to Walsingham
Rev'd Helen is raising money for our 12 churches. To make a donation you can send a cheque made payable to Reeham & Wensum…
Day 1 – The Pilgrimage Begins
For the story behind Rev'd Helen's walk along the Walsingham Way and for information about how to sponsor her or make a donation, please…
4 Days – 37 Miles – 12 Churches – 1 Vicar!
Due to Covid-19, we have been unable to worship together in our church buildings. Unfortunately this has meant that regular donations from congregations and…
Rev’d Helen’s Letter: June 2020
I started reading a new book. It is one of those books that is difficult to put down, as it speaks about the most…